Family Day Week Camp

February 20-23 from 10 am to 1 pm

$50+GST / Day

Our Kids Day Camps are for ages 6-13. Depending on demand, we separate the ages into groups.

We will start our adventures from the West Bragg Creek parking lot at 10 am and are back at 1 pm.

We spend three hours outside exploring adventures winter has to offer. Typically and weather permitting we build snow castles, build fires, talk about winter wild life, go tobogganing, wonder through winter forests, maybe along frozen creeks and learn how to read maps, or find our way with a compass. Safety and leave no trace concepts are a big topic of our time to keep us and our surroundings safe.

Please dress your kids weather appropriate. Snow pants and jackets, winter boots, gloves and tuques. We will bring a small snack, but not a full lunch.

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